Source code for awsenergylabelerlib.entities

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:
# Copyright 2021 Costas Tyfoxylos, Jenda Brands, Theodoor Scholte
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
#  deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
#  rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
#  sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
#  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

entities package.

Import all parts from entities here

.. _Google Python Style Guide:

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin

import boto3
import botocore.errorfactory
import botocore.exceptions
from botocore.config import Config
from cachetools import cached, TTLCache
from dateutil.parser import parse
from opnieuw import retry

from .awsenergylabelerlibexceptions import (InvalidFrameworks,
from .configuration import (ACCOUNT_THRESHOLDS,
from .labels import AccountEnergyLabel, ZoneEnergyLabel
from .validations import validate_allowed_denied_account_ids, validate_allowed_denied_regions, DestinationPath

__author__ = 'Costas Tyfoxylos <>'
__docformat__ = '''google'''
__date__ = '''09-11-2021'''
__copyright__ = '''Copyright 2021, Costas Tyfoxylos, Jenda Brands, Theodoor Scholte'''
__license__ = '''MIT'''
__maintainer__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos'''
__email__ = '''<>'''
__status__ = '''Development'''  # "Prototype", "Development", "Production".

LOGGER_BASENAME = '''entities'''
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_BASENAME)

[docs] class Zone(ABC): """Models the zone and retrieves accounts from it.""" def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,dangerous-default-value name, region, allowed_account_ids=None, denied_account_ids=None, thresholds=ZONE_THRESHOLDS, account_thresholds=ACCOUNT_THRESHOLDS, remote_service_client=None): self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}') = name self.region = region self.thresholds = thresholds self.account_thresholds = account_thresholds self._remote_service_client = remote_service_client account_ids = [ for account in self.accounts] allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids = validate_allowed_denied_account_ids(allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids) self.allowed_account_ids = self._validate_zone_account_ids(allowed_account_ids, account_ids) self.denied_account_ids = self._validate_zone_account_ids(denied_account_ids, account_ids) self._accounts_to_be_labeled = None self._targeted_accounts_energy_label = None @staticmethod def _validate_zone_account_ids(account_ids, zone_account_ids): """Validates that a provided list of valid AWS account ids are actually part of the zone. Args: account_ids: A list of valid AWS account ids. zone_account_ids: All the zone account ids. Returns: account_ids (list): A list of account ids that are part of the zone. Raises: AccountsNotPartOfZone: If account ids are not part of the current zone. """ accounts_not_in_zone = set(account_ids) - set(zone_account_ids) if accounts_not_in_zone: raise AccountsNotPartOfZone(f'The following account ids provided are not part of the zone :' f' {accounts_not_in_zone}') return account_ids @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _get_client(region): # Needs to implement the instantiation and testing of access of the appropriate remote service client # and to be passed in the init of the parent class. raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod @cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1000, ttl=600)) def accounts(self) -> []: """Accounts.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_allowed_accounts(self): """Retrieves allowed accounts based on an allow list. Returns: The list of accounts based on the allowed list. """ return [account for account in self.accounts if in self.allowed_account_ids]
[docs] def get_not_denied_accounts(self): """Retrieves allowed accounts based on an deny list. Returns: The list of accounts not on the deny list. """ return [account for account in self.accounts if not in self.denied_account_ids]
@property def accounts_to_be_labeled(self): """Account to be labeled according to the allow or deny list arguments. Returns: account (list): A list of accounts to be labeled. """ if self._accounts_to_be_labeled is None: if self.allowed_account_ids: self._logger.debug(f'Working on allow list {self.allowed_account_ids}') self._accounts_to_be_labeled = self.get_allowed_accounts() elif self.denied_account_ids: self._logger.debug(f'Working on deny list {self.denied_account_ids}') self._accounts_to_be_labeled = self.get_not_denied_accounts() else: self._logger.debug('Working on all zone accounts') self._accounts_to_be_labeled = self.accounts return self._accounts_to_be_labeled
[docs] def get_labeled_targeted_accounts(self, security_hub_findings): """Labels the accounts based on the allow and deny list provided. Args: security_hub_findings: The findings for a zone. Returns: labeled_accounts (list): A list of AwsAccount objects that have their labels calculated. """ labeled_accounts = [] self._logger.debug('Calculating on security hub findings') for account in self.accounts_to_be_labeled: self._logger.debug(f'Calculating energy label for account {}') account.calculate_energy_label(security_hub_findings) labeled_accounts.append(account) return labeled_accounts
[docs] def get_energy_label_of_targeted_accounts(self, security_hub_findings): """Get the energy label of the targeted accounts. Args: security_hub_findings: The findings from security hub. Returns: energy_label (str): The energy label of the targeted accounts. """ if self._targeted_accounts_energy_label is None: labeled_accounts = self.get_labeled_targeted_accounts(security_hub_findings) label_counter = Counter([account.energy_label.label for account in labeled_accounts]) number_of_labeled_accounts = len(labeled_accounts) self._logger.debug(f'Number of accounts calculated are {number_of_labeled_accounts}') account_sums = [] labels = [] coverage_percentage = number_of_labeled_accounts / len(self.accounts) * 100 for threshold in self.thresholds: label = threshold.get('label') percentage = threshold.get('percentage') labels.append(label) account_sums.append(label_counter.get(label, 0)) self._logger.debug(f'Calculating for labels {labels} with threshold {percentage} ' f'and sums of {account_sums}') if sum(account_sums) / number_of_labeled_accounts * 100 >= percentage: self._logger.debug(f'Found a match with label {label}') self._targeted_accounts_energy_label = ZoneEnergyLabel(label, min(label_counter.keys()), max(label_counter.keys()), number_of_labeled_accounts, coverage_percentage) break else: self._logger.debug('Found no match with thresholds, using default worst label F.') self._targeted_accounts_energy_label = ZoneEnergyLabel('F', min(label_counter.keys()), max(label_counter.keys()), number_of_labeled_accounts, coverage_percentage) return self._targeted_accounts_energy_label
[docs] def get_energy_label(self, security_hub_findings): """Calculates and returns the energy label of the zone. Args: security_hub_findings: The measurement data of all the findings for a zone. Returns: energy_label (ZoneEnergyLabel): The labeling object of the zone. """ aggregate_label = self.get_energy_label_of_targeted_accounts(security_hub_findings) number_of_labeled_accounts = len(self.accounts_to_be_labeled) coverage_percentage = number_of_labeled_accounts / len(self.accounts) * 100 return ZoneEnergyLabel(aggregate_label.label, best_label=aggregate_label.best_label, worst_label=aggregate_label.worst_label, accounts_measured=number_of_labeled_accounts, coverage=f'{coverage_percentage:.2f}%')
[docs] class OrganizationsZone(Zone): """Models the organizations zone and retrieves accounts from it.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,dangerous-default-value def __init__(self, name, region, allowed_account_ids=None, denied_account_ids=None, thresholds=ZONE_THRESHOLDS, account_thresholds=ACCOUNT_THRESHOLDS): remote_service_client = self._get_client(region) super().__init__(name, region, allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids, thresholds, account_thresholds, remote_service_client) @staticmethod def _get_client(_): """Provides the client to organizations. Returns: boto3 organizations client Raises: InvalidOrNoCredentials if credentials are not provided or are insufficient. """ try: client = boto3.client('organizations') client.describe_organization() except (botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError, client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException, # noqa botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as msg: raise InvalidOrNoCredentials(msg) from None return client def __repr__(self): return f'{} organizations zone' @property @cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1000, ttl=600)) def accounts(self): """Accounts of the organizations zone. Returns: List of accounts retrieved Raises: NoAccess: If insufficient access from credentials. """ try: paginator = self._remote_service_client.get_paginator('list_accounts') accounts = [] for page in paginator.paginate(): accounts.extend([AwsAccount(account.get('Id'), self.account_thresholds, account.get('Name')) for account in page['Accounts']]) return accounts except self._remote_service_client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException as msg: raise NoAccess(msg) from None
[docs] class AuditZone(Zone): """Models the audit zone and retrieves accounts from it.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,dangerous-default-value def __init__(self, name, region, allowed_account_ids=None, denied_account_ids=None, thresholds=ZONE_THRESHOLDS, account_thresholds=ACCOUNT_THRESHOLDS): remote_service_client = self._get_client(region) super().__init__(name, region, allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids, thresholds, account_thresholds, remote_service_client) def __repr__(self): return f'{} audit zone' @staticmethod def _get_client(region): """Provides the client to security hub. Returns: boto3 security hub client Raises: InvalidOrNoCredentials if credentials are not provided or are insufficient. """ try: config = Config(region_name=region) kwargs = {"config": config} client = boto3.client('securityhub', **kwargs) client.describe_hub() except (client.exceptions.InvalidAccessException, # noqa botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as msg: raise InvalidOrNoCredentials(msg) from None return client @property @cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1000, ttl=600)) def accounts(self): """Accounts of the zone. Returns: List of accounts retrieved Raises: NoAccess: If insufficient access from credentials. """ # try: paginator = self._remote_service_client.get_paginator('list_members') accounts = [] for page in paginator.paginate(): accounts.extend([AwsAccount(account.get('AccountId'), self.account_thresholds) for account in page['Members']]) return accounts
[docs] class AwsAccount: """Models the aws account that can label itself.""" def __init__(self, id_: str, account_thresholds: list, name='NOT_RETRIEVED') -> None: = id_ self.account_thresholds = account_thresholds = name self.energy_label = AccountEnergyLabel() self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}')
[docs] def calculate_energy_label(self, findings): """Calculates the energy label for the account. Args: findings: Either a list of security hub findings or a dataframe of security hub findings. Returns: The energy label of the account based on the provided configuration. """ counted_findings = Counter() open_days_counter = Counter() for finding in findings: if all([finding.aws_account_id ==, finding.workflow_status != 'RESOLVED']): counted_findings[finding.severity] += 1 open_days_counter[finding.days_open] += 1 if not counted_findings:'No findings for account {}') self.energy_label = AccountEnergyLabel('A', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) return self.energy_label try: number_of_critical_findings = counted_findings.get('CRITICAL', 0) number_of_high_findings = counted_findings.get('HIGH', 0) number_of_medium_findings = counted_findings.get('MEDIUM', 0) number_of_low_findings = counted_findings.get('LOW', 0) try: max_days_open = max(open_days_counter) except ValueError: max_days_open = 0 self._logger.debug(f'Calculating for account {} ' f'with number of critical findings {number_of_critical_findings},' f'number of high findings {number_of_high_findings}, ' f'number of medium findings {number_of_medium_findings}, ' f'number of low findings {number_of_low_findings}, ' f'and findings have been open for over ' f'{max_days_open} days') for threshold in self.account_thresholds: if all([(number_of_critical_findings + number_of_high_findings) <= threshold['critical_high'], number_of_medium_findings <= threshold['medium'], number_of_low_findings <= threshold['low'], max_days_open < threshold['days_open_less_than']]): self.energy_label = AccountEnergyLabel(threshold['label'], number_of_critical_findings, number_of_high_findings, number_of_medium_findings, number_of_low_findings, max_days_open) self._logger.debug(f'Energy Label for account {} ' f'has been calculated: {self.energy_label.label}') break else: self._logger.debug('No match with thresholds for energy label, using default worst one.') self.energy_label = AccountEnergyLabel('F', number_of_critical_findings, number_of_high_findings, number_of_medium_findings, number_of_low_findings, max_days_open) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._logger.warning(f'Could not calculate energy label for account {}, using the default "F"') return self.energy_label
[docs] class Finding: """Models a finding.""" def __init__(self, data: dict) -> None: self._data = data self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}') def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): """Override the default equals behavior.""" if not isinstance(other, Finding): raise ValueError('Not a Finding object') return hash(self) == hash(other) def __ne__(self, other): """Override the default unequal behavior.""" if not isinstance(other, Finding): raise ValueError('Not a Finding object') return hash(self) != hash(other) @property def aws_account_id(self): """Account id.""" return self._data.get('AwsAccountId') @property def region(self): """Region.""" return self._data.get('Region') @property def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ID.""" return self._data.get('Id') @property def severity(self): """Severity.""" return self._data.get('Severity', {}).get('Label') @property def title(self): """Title.""" return self._data.get('Title') @property def description(self): """Description.""" return self._data.get('Description') @property def remediation_recommendation_text(self): """Textual recommendation for remediation.""" return self._data.get('Remediation', {}).get('Recommendation', {}).get('Text') @property def remediation_recommendation_url(self): """URL for more information on the remediation.""" return self._data.get('Remediation', {}).get('Recommendation', {}).get('Url') @property def standards_guide_arn(self): """Arn of the compliance standard.""" return self._data.get('ProductFields', {}).get('StandardsGuideArn') @property def resources(self): """A list of resource dicts.""" return self._data.get('Resources', [{}]) @property def resource_types(self): """Resource type.""" return [resource.get('Type') for resource in self._data.get('Resources', [{}])] @property def resource_ids(self): """Resource ids.""" return [resource.get('Id') for resource in self._data.get('Resources', [{}])] @property def generator_id(self): """Generator id.""" return self._data.get('GeneratorId') @property def types(self): """Types.""" return self._data.get('Types') @property def is_cis_aws_foundations_benchmark(self): """Is this cis framework finding.""" return CIS_AWS_FOUNDATION_FRAMEWORK in self.compliance_frameworks @property def is_pci_dss(self): """Is this pci dss framework finding.""" return PCI_DSS_FRAMEWORK in self.compliance_frameworks @property def is_aws_foundational_security_best_practices(self): """Is this aws foundational security best practices framework finding.""" return AWS_FOUNDATIONAL_SECURITY_FRAMEWORK in self.compliance_frameworks @property def workflow_status(self): """Workflow status.""" return self._data.get('Workflow', {}).get('Status') @property def record_state(self): """Record status.""" return self._data.get('RecordState') @property def compliance_standards(self): """Compliance standards.""" return [standard.get('StandardsId') for standard in self._data.get('Compliance').get('AssociatedStandards', [])] @property def compliance_frameworks(self): """Compliance frameworks.""" return [standard.split('/')[1] for standard in self.compliance_standards] @property def rule_id(self): """Rule id.""" return self._data.get('ProductFields', {}).get('RuleId') @property def compliance_status(self): """Compliance status.""" return self._data.get('Compliance', {}).get('Status') @property def compliance_control(self): """Compliance control.""" return self._data.get('Compliance Control') @property def first_observed_at(self): """First observed at.""" if self._data.get('FirstObservedAt') is None: return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('CreatedAt')) return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('FirstObservedAt')) @property def last_observed_at(self): """Last observed at.""" if self._data.get('LastObservedAt') is None: return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('UpdatedAt')) return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('LastObservedAt')) @property def created_at(self): """Created at.""" return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('CreatedAt')) @property def updated_at(self): """Updated at.""" return self._parse_date_time(self._data.get('UpdatedAt')) def _parse_date_time(self, datetime_string): try: return parse(datetime_string) except ValueError: self._logger.warning(f'Could not automatically parse datetime string: "{datetime_string}"') return None @property def days_open(self): """Days open.""" if self.workflow_status == 'RESOLVED': return 0 first_observation = self.first_observed_at or self.created_at last_observation = self.last_observed_at or try: return (last_observation - first_observation).days except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._logger.exception('Could not calculate number of days open, ' 'last or first observation date is missing.') return -1 @property def original_payload(self): """Original payload.""" return self._data @property def measurement_data(self): """Measurement data for computing the energy label.""" return { 'Finding ID':, 'Account ID': self.aws_account_id, 'Severity': self.severity, 'Workflow State': self.workflow_status, 'Days Open': self.days_open }
[docs] class SecurityHub: """Models security hub and can retrieve findings.""" frameworks = {AWS_FOUNDATIONAL_SECURITY_FRAMEWORK, CIS_AWS_FOUNDATION_FRAMEWORK, PCI_DSS_FRAMEWORK} def __init__(self, region=None, allowed_regions=None, denied_regions=None): self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}') self.allowed_regions, self.denied_regions = validate_allowed_denied_regions(allowed_regions, denied_regions) self.sts = self._get_sts_client() self.ec2 = self._get_ec2_client(region) self._aws_regions = None self.aws_region = self._validate_region(region) or self._sts_client_config_region def _validate_region(self, region): if any([not region, region in self.regions]): return region raise InvalidRegion(region) @property def _sts_client_config_region(self): return self.sts._client_config.region_name # noqa @staticmethod def _get_sts_client(): return boto3.client('sts') @staticmethod def _get_security_hub_client(region): try: config = Config(region_name=region) kwargs = {"config": config} client = boto3.client('securityhub', **kwargs) except (botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError, botocore.exceptions.InvalidRegionError) as msg: raise NoRegion(f'Security Hub client requires a valid region set to connect, message was:{msg}') from None return client @staticmethod def _get_ec2_client(region): kwargs = {} if region: config = Config(region_name=region) kwargs = {"config": config} try: client = boto3.client('ec2', **kwargs) client.describe_regions() except (botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError, botocore.exceptions.InvalidRegionError, botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError) as msg: raise NoRegion(f'Ec2 client requires a valid region set to connect, message was:{msg}') from None except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as msg: raise InvalidOrNoCredentials(msg) from None return client def _describe_ec2_regions(self): return self.ec2.describe_regions().get('Regions') @property def regions(self): """Regions.""" if self._aws_regions is None: self._aws_regions = [region.get('RegionName') for region in self._describe_ec2_regions() if region.get('OptInStatus', '') != 'not-opted-in'] self._logger.debug(f'Regions in EC2 that were opted in are : {self._aws_regions}') if self.allowed_regions: self._aws_regions = set(self._aws_regions).intersection(set(self.allowed_regions)) self._logger.debug(f'Working on allowed regions {self._aws_regions}') elif self.denied_regions: self._logger.debug(f'Excluding denied regions {self.denied_regions}') self._aws_regions = set(self._aws_regions) - set(self.denied_regions) self._logger.debug(f'Working on non-denied regions {self._aws_regions}') else: self._logger.debug('Working on all regions') return self._aws_regions
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_frameworks(frameworks): """Validates provided frameworks. Args: frameworks: The frameworks to validate according to an accepted list, can be none. Returns: A list of supported frameworks or an empty list. Raises: InvalidFrameworks: if the frameworks provided are not valid. """ if not frameworks: return [] if not isinstance(frameworks, (list, tuple, set)): frameworks = [frameworks] if set(frameworks).issubset(SecurityHub.frameworks): return frameworks raise InvalidFrameworks(frameworks)
def _get_aggregating_region(self): aggregating_region = None try: client = self._get_security_hub_client(self.aws_region) data = client.list_finding_aggregators() aggregating_region = data.get('FindingAggregators')[0].get('FindingAggregatorArn').split(':')[3]'Found aggregating region {aggregating_region}') except (IndexError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError): self._logger.debug('Could not get aggregating region, either not set, or a client error') return aggregating_region
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_findings_by_frameworks(findings, frameworks): """Filters provided findings by the provided frameworks. Args: findings: A list containing security hub findings frameworks: The frameworks to filter for Returns: findings (list(Findings)): A list of findings matching the provided frameworks """ frameworks = SecurityHub.validate_frameworks(frameworks) if not frameworks: return findings def framework_to_finding_attribute(framework): return f'is_{framework.replace("-", "_")}' attributes = [framework_to_finding_attribute(framework) for framework in frameworks] return [finding for finding in findings if any(getattr(finding, attribute) for attribute in attributes)]
[docs] def get_findings(self, query_filter): """Retrieves findings from security hub based on a provided query. Args: query_filter (dict): The query filter to execute on security hub to get the findings. Returns: findings (list): A list of findings from security hub. """ return self._get_findings(query_filter)
[docs] def get_suppressed_findings(self): """Get the suppressed findings. Returns: A list of suppressed findings. """ query_filter = {'WorkflowStatus': [{'Value': 'SUPPRESSED', 'Comparison': 'EQUALS'}]} return self._get_findings(query_filter)
[docs] def get_findings_resolved_by_day_offset(self, days_ago=30): """Get findings that have been resolved the last days based on the days_ago provided value. Args: days_ago: The number of days to filter for resolved findings. Returns: A list of findings resolved during the provided time window. """ query_filter = {'UpdatedAt': [{'DateRange': {'Value': days_ago, 'Unit': 'DAYS'}}], 'WorkflowStatus': [{'Value': 'RESOLVED', 'Comparison': 'EQUALS'}]} return self._get_findings(query_filter)
@retry(retry_on_exceptions=botocore.exceptions.ClientError) def _get_findings(self, query_filter): findings = set() aggregating_region = self._get_aggregating_region() regions_to_retrieve = [aggregating_region] if aggregating_region else self.regions for region in regions_to_retrieve: self._logger.debug(f'Trying to get findings for region {region}') session = boto3.Session(region_name=region) security_hub = session.client('securityhub') paginator = security_hub.get_paginator('get_findings') iterator = paginator.paginate(Filters=query_filter) try: for page in iterator: for finding_data in page['Findings']: finding = Finding(finding_data) self._logger.debug(f'Adding finding with id {}') findings.add(finding) except (security_hub.exceptions.InvalidAccessException, security_hub.exceptions.AccessDeniedException): self._logger.debug(f'No access for Security Hub for region {region}.') continue return list(findings) @staticmethod def _calculate_account_id_filter(allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids): """Calculates the filter targeting allowed or denied account ids. Args: allowed_account_ids: The account ids if any. denied_account_ids: The Denied ids if any. Returns: allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids (tuple(list,list)): If any is set and are valid. """ allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids = validate_allowed_denied_account_ids(allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids) aws_account_ids = [] if any([allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids]): comparison = 'EQUALS' if allowed_account_ids else 'NOT_EQUALS' iterator = allowed_account_ids if allowed_account_ids else denied_account_ids aws_account_ids = [{'Comparison': comparison, 'Value': account} for account in iterator] return aws_account_ids # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_query_filter(query_filter=DEFAULT_SECURITY_HUB_FILTER, allowed_account_ids=None, denied_account_ids=None, frameworks=DEFAULT_SECURITY_HUB_FRAMEWORKS): """Calculates a Security Hub compatible filter for retrieving findings. Depending on arguments provided for allow list, deny list and frameworks to retrieve a query is constructed to retrieve only appropriate findings, offloading the filter on the back end. Args: query_filter: The default filter if no filter is provided. allowed_account_ids: The allow list of account ids to get the findings for. denied_account_ids: The deny list of account ids to filter out findings for. frameworks: The default frameworks if no frameworks are provided. Returns: query_filter (dict): The query filter calculated based on the provided arguments. """ query_filter = deepcopy(query_filter) _ = SecurityHub.validate_frameworks(frameworks) aws_account_ids = SecurityHub._calculate_account_id_filter(allowed_account_ids, denied_account_ids) if aws_account_ids: query_filter.update({'AwsAccountId': aws_account_ids}) return query_filter
@property def enabled_products(self): """The enabled security hub products. Returns: A list of arns for the enabled security hub products. """ client = self._get_security_hub_client(self.aws_region) return client.list_enabled_products_for_import().get('ProductSubscriptions', [])
[docs] class DataExporter: """Export AWS security data.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, export_types, name, energy_label, security_hub_findings, labeled_accounts, metadata): = name self.energy_label = energy_label self.security_hub_findings = security_hub_findings self.labeled_accounts = labeled_accounts self.export_types = export_types self.metadata = metadata self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}')
[docs] def export(self, path): """Exports the data to the provided path.""" destination = DestinationPath(path) if not destination.is_valid(): raise InvalidPath(path) for export_type in self.export_types: data_file = DataFileFactory(export_type,, self.energy_label, self.security_hub_findings, self.labeled_accounts, self.metadata) if destination.type == 's3': self._export_to_s3(path, data_file.filename, data_file.json) # pylint: disable=no-member else: self._export_to_fs(path, data_file.filename, data_file.json) # pylint: disable=no-member
def _export_to_fs(self, directory, filename, data): """Exports as json to local filesystem.""" path = Path(directory) try: path.mkdir() except FileExistsError: self._logger.debug(f'Directory {directory} already exists.') with open(path.joinpath(filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as jsonfile: jsonfile.write(data)'File {filename} copied to {directory}') def _export_to_s3(self, s3_url, filename, data): """Exports as json to S3 object storage.""" s3 = boto3.client('s3') # pylint: disable=invalid-name parsed_url = urlparse(s3_url) bucket_name = parsed_url.netloc dst_path = parsed_url.path dst_filename = urljoin(dst_path, filename).lstrip("/") s3.put_object(Body=data.encode('utf-8'), Bucket=bucket_name, Key=dst_filename)'File {filename} copied to {s3_url}')
[docs] class DataFileFactory: """Data export factory to handle the different data types returned.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, unused-argument def __new__(cls, export_type, name, energy_label, security_hub_findings, labeled_accounts, metadata): data_file_configuration = next((datafile for datafile in FILE_EXPORT_TYPES if datafile.get('type') == export_type.lower()), None) if not data_file_configuration: LOGGER.error('Unknown data type %s', export_type) return None obj = data_file_configuration.get('object_type') arguments = {'filename': data_file_configuration.get('filename')} arguments.update({key: value for key, value in copy(locals()).items() if key in data_file_configuration.get('required_arguments')}) return obj(**arguments)